You will need some equipment for this field course. This list below includes all major items you will need.
Personal torch with plenty of spare batteries & a spare bulb. It’s a good idea to get a very good torch - this will be the most important tool you use in the field. Get a torch capable of illuminating at least 70 lumens. LED Lenser torches are good quality and value for money or you can go upmarket with a Surefire L1 LED torch. Head torches are also very handy!
Money for buying food in Quito & Coca - meals are provided at Bellavista & Payamino
Hammock with mosquito net - the ‘Amazonas Moskito Traveller’ comes with an inbuilt net. You will also need at least 6 metres of hammock rope to hang it from the rafters - ensure it has a tensile strength of >300lbs, suitable for carrying human weight
Lightweight windbreaker or raincoat (disposable is ok)
Two pairs of shoes (something that will dry easily is best - avoid natural fibres) and a pair of sandals - no need to take hiking boots as you will wear wellies in the jungle
Duplicate sets of lightweight, easily washable, fast-drying field clothes (long trousers and long sleeves). Synthetic fibres (e.g. nylon) will dry much faster than natural fibres such as cotton. You will do your own laundry, therefore pack sufficient sets of socks, underwear, etc to space washings according to your energy level. In the forest, you should wear clean clothes every day to prevent getting botflies and ticks.
At least one set of casual, evening clothes
A fleece or a jumper
A sunhat with ties to hold it onto your head - important for the canoe ride!
Some people find it cool in the evening - especially in the cloud forest. Therefore, you may want to bring a blanket, sleeping bag or buy these in the markets at Quito
Rubber boots (or wellies/gum boots). Though these are a pain to pack so buy them in Ecuador and keep the receipt.
Sunglasses (please ensure they have high UV protection)
Bathing suit and quick-drying travel towel
Durable, waterproof field diary with lots of pencils
A day pack (e.g. small backpack) + 1 litre water bottle
One box of large heavy duty zip seal bags (brand not important) or dry-bags. You can pack daily sets of clothes in these so they stay dry until you use them
Binoculars (if you have them)
Silica gel packs can be a good idea if you plan to bring electronic equipment such as cameras, laptops, iPods, kindles etc. They can be sealed in ziplock bags/tupperware boxes with silica packs to prevent humidity damage
USB stick & a couple of plug adaptors - Ecuador uses US style plugs
SPF 30+ waterproof sunscreen - make sure to bring enough
Biodegradable fabric wash for laundry along with biodegradable toiletries - soap, body wash, shampoo and toothpaste (yes, biodegradable toothpaste exists!)
Insect bite cream - Anthisan seems to work well or Tiger Balm
DEET based insect repellent - studies have shown 50% DEET gives maximum protection, don’t waste your money on higher strengths. Note that DEET is toxic to not only insects but aquatic life (e.g. frogs) - remember this when handling insects/animals!
Any other personal toiletries such as alcohol hand gel and talc (don’t assume you can buy everything in Ecuador)
You may wish to bring snake chaps or boots. Most people (including local guides) simply wear their rubber boots to deal with both mud and snakes at the same time. Whether you use chaps is a personal comfort level decision
Personal medical supplies